I have been with my babe for over 22 years...yeah we started young! I was 13 and he 17! It was on and off during high school and then it got serious again at around 21 and then at 23 we got married. He was still a little older than me but I was definitely the more "mature" one. He is my love...my best friend and always knows how to make me laugh.
What I struggle with is his selfishness! Damn! Why? I know a lot of guys are but his is painful! What brings this up you say? Well my sister has asked me to go to San Diego with her in July for a few days and I have been arguing with him cause he thinks I shouldn't go. He says we should go as a family. Uhh, do do brain...a lot more affordable for one of us to go rather than a family of 4! We are already booked for Toronto and Montreal (don't get too excited...a hockey tournament and visiting with family - not an ounce of chilling!) in a few weeks but hold on, he goes to VEGAS at the end of May!
YEUP! All 4 of his buddies and I helped him book everything. PISS OFF! So wrong. Its so easy for him to go and enjoy himself but when it comes to me, its always questionable! So not fair. I only ask for a few days away chillin by the pool. Oh yeah, he is not a pool sitter - more like a cat - afraid of the damn water! And when we go on family vacays, we are always running around doing things and its extra special when all 4 (mil is always vacationing with us by the way - widowed and her dumb ass daughter never takes her anywhere!) are staring at me with what's next! Yes, all the pressure is on me to plan and make sure everyone is "good"! I never get to just chill! He doesn't do any of the planning and then complains when we do things that I like! WHATEVER! My mom wants us to go to Puerta Vallarta at Spring Break next year...they are paying for accomodations and he is already complaing! WTF? Done! TIRED of his BS!
Sorry I am rambling...trying to get the whole history in!
We even attempt to go to the Okanagan in the summer for a few days. I really like it, a ton of friends for us and the kids and we all have a blast. You lounge by the pool, drinks, walk and just chill. Guess what, he doesn't want to go back. I am not arguing with him anymore. He has now brainwashed my son as well and I gotta hear it from him. I am gonna finally be stubborn on this one and not go this year. He can maybe feel bad for a minute or so! WHo knows, maybe I am just wasting my time and it won't even phase him!
So back to San Diego...looks like I am not going. I don't have the energy to fight him anymore. I guess the saying is true..."gotta pick your battles"!
Wow, it definitely feels so good to put it out there. You are all a blessing in my life. Someone to listen and talk to!
Ladies and gents, life is hard but we can do it! We are lucky to be breathe! DETERMINED!